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"Radland - Wendland" - Discussion round on 7 June 2024

On the road in Lüchow with the e-cargo bike

Lüchow-Dannenberg district invites you to a round table discussion on cycling in Wendland.

Cycling through Wendland is environmentally friendly, sustainable and healthy. Cycling is in vogue, more and more pedelecs are on the roads and awareness of sustainable mobility is growing. Cycling is an important component of the transport transition, also in Lüchow-Dannenberg. The role that cycling plays in Wendland and how the district is positioning itself for this will be the subject of a discussion event on 7 June 2024 at the Platenlaase Cultural Association from 4 to 7 pm.

To kick off the event, transport researcher Prof Peter Pez from Leuphana University Lüneburg will give a keynote speech. Pez works at the Institute for Urban and Cultural Research (IFSK) and will report on the ideas and opportunities for promoting cycling 3.0. In 2020, the project was honoured with a special prize from the German Sustainability Award.

In the neighbouring district of Lüneburg, Leuphana University and the district administration are working together on new ideas and concepts for cycling. Instead of main routes, for example, the researcher is focussing on area coverage for cyclists - in other words, using existing paths to improve their efficiency. "Anyone who cycles is doing something for their health and their wallet," Pez is convinced, adding that every journey saved by car makes our roads safer.

Following the keynote speech, the cycling expert and members of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub (ADFC) and the Verkehrswacht will sit on the podium together with District Administrator Dagmar Schulz and answer questions on all aspects of cycling in Wendland. Tilmann Seifert, cycle traffic coordinator for the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg, will also be there. The current cycle traffic counts are an important building block for comprehensive cycle traffic. "We can now see how well the newly created Lüchow-Wustrow cycle route is being accepted." Cycle traffic on the cycle route has more than doubled compared to April 2023 / 2024. "But we also want to find out which other routes are being used," adds Tilmann Seifert, who is currently analysing the data. Data on daily journeys will also be collected and analysed for the city cycling scheme.

Discussion round "Radland - Wendland" on Friday, 7 June 2024 from 4 to 7 pm at the Kulturverein Platenlaase. Admission is free.

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