Tickets & subscriptions
On the following pages you will find all the information you need about school transport, the Wendland-Tarif annual ticket, Deutschland Ticket and the mobiCard!

School transport
Exempted school transport 2024/2025 For the 2024/2025 school year, school transport will be restructured and divided into exempted school transport and transport by public transport. All plans for the exempted school transport can be found via this link: School transport timetables Here you will find all applications from the district administration relating to school transport as PDF files for download. For pupils,...

Wendland tariff annual ticket
From €11 per month for 12 months. Simply find your tariff with our price calculator: Discover the Wendland and enjoy unlimited mobility for a whole year with the Wendlandtarif annual ticket. Whether for your daily commute to work, a weekend trip or a spontaneous stroll through the city - with us you are always flexible and affordable when travelling!...

Germany ticket
Ab 58 € pro Monat fahren Sie so viel Sie wollen durch Deutschland. Erwerben Sie das monatliche Abo für das Deutschlandticket jetzt bei uns für Sie selbst oder eine andere Person: Alle Informationen zum Deutschlandticket Das Deutschlandticket kann man einen Tag nach Abschluss des Abonnements nutzen. Falls sie es kündigen möchten, muss dies bis zum…

mobiCard and application
The mobiCard - for discounted travel on public transport The "mobiCard" was also introduced with the new Wendland tariff from 1 October 2023. Cardholders will be able to use price group 2 of the new fare system at a discount of up to 50%. People who receive transfer benefits are eligible. mobiCard application mobiCard application (Ukrainian) To fare information Who is entitled to the mobiCard?...

Tickets for pupils and trainees
With the youth and trainee ticket (discounted, regional student and trainee ticket), all road-bound public transport in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district can be used on all days - including holidays and weekends - without restriction. Youth and trainee ticket for all residents of Lüchow-Dannenberg (free of charge) Youth and trainee ticket for all residents of Lüchow-Dannenberg The regional student and trainee ticket...