How bike-friendly is Lüchow-Dannenberg? - Vote now in the ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024!

The survey for the big ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024 has started: Cyclists from all over Lüchow-Dannenberg are invited to take part in the online survey until 30 November 2024 at for example, the feeling of safety, the width of cycle paths and the accessibility of destinations by bike. This year's main focus is on co-operation in traffic. The results can help the district to further improve services for cyclists.

In addition to the basic questions, the ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024 includes additional questions on interaction in traffic. Here, the focus is on how cyclists rate the behaviour of other road users, for example whether they are considerate and whether sufficient overtaking distance is maintained. "Information on the cycling climate and cyclists' impressions make an important contribution to needs-based cycle traffic planning in the district," says Tilmann Seifert, cycle traffic coordinator for Lüchow-Dannenberg. 

The most bicycle-friendly cities and municipalities in six size categories will be honoured at the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin in spring 2025.


It only takes five minutes to answer the 27 questions. If you like, you can sign up for a newsletter afterwards to be informed about the results.

Funding from the Federal Ministry of Transport

The ADFC carries out the test every two years - this year for the eleventh time. The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport is funding the ADFC Cycling Climate Test 2024 from funds for the implementation of the National Cycling Plan.

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