Tariff regulations for Deutschlandticket

Tariff regulations for Deutschlandticket

Explanation of the tariff regulations

On 27 January 2023, the working group, which is open to all countries, made "Determinations on the fare regulations for the Deutschlandticket". A proposal for the actual fare regulations was drawn up on the basis of these specifications. These are deliberately kept brief and only regulate what is mandatory for the start of the Deutschlandticket on 1 May 2023. Further explanations are given in this text.


Special bus routes according to § 43 PBefG, i.e. in particular school routes and professional routes, are within the scope of the D-Ticket if other passengers are also allowed to travel on them. According to § 2 para. 4 PBefG, the licensing authority can grant an exemption from the prohibition to take other passengers on bus routes according to § 43 PBefG. Thus, it is ultimately up to the respective transport company to decide whether it applies for such an exemption for the respective line, unless this is already the case.

Transition to Grade 1

The Deutschlandticket is only valid in 2nd class. A transfer to 1st class is possible according to the tariffs of the respective tariff providers (transport associations, transport companies, state tariff companies, Germany tariff). These regulations vary greatly in terms of the tariff offers (single day, monthly tickets or season tickets) and price. For this reason, a nationwide standardisation is being sought. This is to be implemented by 1 January 2024 at the latest.

Carry options, transferability, other upgrades

The Deutschlandticket itself is person-related and does not include the possibility of taking along persons over 6 years of age, bicycles and dogs. For the carriage of bicycles and dogs, the conditions of carriage of the respective fare providers apply.

Local upgrades can be offered in the tariffs of the respective fare payers. However, they are limited to the tariff area of the respective tariff provider and must be issued in the form of additional tickets. They must be calculated to cover costs and be accessible to everyone, regardless of where they purchased the Deutschlandticket.

A nationwide upgrade offer is being sought.

Digital tickets

A separate paper has been prepared on the issue and control of digital tickets (cf. Eckpunkte zur Kontrolle des Deutschlandtickets des VDV).

Temporal validity of the Deutschlandticket

The Deutschlandticket is valid from the 1st of each month. A standardised pre-order deadline has been deliberately omitted. This specification (e.g. "order by the 15th of the previous month") is the responsibility of the respective fare payer.

The Deutschlandticket is only issued on a subscription basis, the validity of the ticket is in principle unlimited, it is automatically renewed if not cancelled.

From 1 January 2024, the Deutschlandticket will be valid to the day, for example from 13 February. It will then be valid until 12 March (at the end of service at 3 a.m. on the following day) and will be automatically extended by one month. For this, the subscription distribution systems must be adapted by the beginning of 2024.

For a transitional period until 31 December 2023, so-called start tickets can be issued to bridge the period until the respective start of the Deutschlandticket. The prerequisite is the order of a Deutschlandticket. It is not possible to issue a Start Card in isolation without ordering the Deutschlandticket. No fare payer will be obliged to issue a Start Card.

It is intended to integrate the validity of the Deutschlandticket into the BahnCard 100. This validity will then replace the function of the City Ticket for the BahnCard 100. The compensation will be regulated separately with DB Fernverkehr.


Cancellation of the Deutschlandticket is possible by the 10th of each month until the end of the month. It must be submitted in text form to the company from which the subscription was ordered or the contract was concluded. A handling fee may be charged by the company holding the contract.

company will not be charged. As of 1 January 2024, the notice period must be redefined due to the day-accurate ordering option.

Semester ticket

The intention is to develop a nationwide solidarity model for students and to offer it to those responsible (student unions, ASten, universities). However, this cannot be achieved by the start of the Deutschlandticket, especially as there are current semester ticket agreements.

However, fare providers may allow students who pay a solidarity contribution to offset the solidarity contribution against the price of the Deutschlandticket and only charge the difference. The purchase of the Deutschlandticket for the difference is optional for the student.

Example: The solidarity contribution is 150 euros per semester, or 25 euros per month. The difference to the Deutschlandticket is 24 euros.

The fare providers are not obliged to offer such an upgrade model. If the possibility is used, this must be regulated in the local tariff regulations.

Job ticket

The Deutschlandticket can also be issued as a job ticket with a discount of 5 % on the issue price, i.e. currently at a price of 46.55 euros. The prerequisite is that the employer pays a subsidy for the Deutschlandticket amounting to 25 % on the issue price, i.e. currently at least 12.25 euros. A higher subsidy can be paid at any time.

A pure quantity discount is not granted on the Deutschlandticket, i.e. if an employer purchases 100 tickets but does not make its own contribution, no discount is granted.

The prerequisite for the Jobticket discount is the conclusion of an agreement between the employer and an issuing transport company (sales partner). Neither the tariff authorities nor the issuing transport companies are obliged to conclude an agreement.

In addition to this job ticket model, there are also full solidarity models in which one employer buys tickets for all employees. The calculation bases are currently still very different. Therefore, a nationwide standardised model for the full-solidarity models must be developed by 1 January 2024.

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