Lüchow-Dannenberg district increases surcharge for on-demand transport

Following a decision by the Lüchow-Dannenberg district council, the prices for the surcharge for on-demand transport will increase from 1 August 2024. The surcharge is charged in addition to the ticket price for a bus ticket that is valid throughout Wendland. While the prices of the bus fares will not change, the OnDemand surcharge will increase from 1.00 euro to 2.00 euros per journey from Monday to Friday (reduced from 0.50 euros to 1.00 euros). On weekend days, an OnDemand journey will cost 3.00 euros (reduced rate 1.50 euros). The price for door-to-door service remains unchanged at 5.00 euros.
This marks the end of the entry-level offer for the flexible public transport service. The OnDemand service serves 450 stops in Wendland and can be used in addition to bus services in Wendland. The vehicles can be booked during the week from 05.30 to 00.30 and on Saturday from 06.00 to 03.30 and on Sunday from 08.00 to 00.30. This is very easy with the Wendland OnDemand app. Bookings can also be made by telephone from Monday to Friday from 06.00 to 17.00 on 05841 / 977 350.
Even with the price increase for the OnDemand surcharge, the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg still has one of the cheapest public transport services in the whole of Germany.